Before I start collaberating with people, I wanna start my own flash series. I want to make a series called "Sonic Vs Pokemon". It all started when a bunch of pokemon came through a portal into the sonic world, and killed eggman to take over the world themselves. They haked into eggman's computer, and went and made robot pokemon to destroy everybody. At the same time, sonic runs into some RANDOM TIGER (this ruined sonic's brain-cells to make him stupid in this series)! BUT WAIT! This tiger wasn't just a RANDOM tiger, but it was unique because it stood on its hind legs, looked cartoony, and new how to use fire to attack opponets. The tiger mistaken him for one of his rivals, hyena, and sonic just thought he was just another pokemon. They got into a big fight, or an epic battle, I should say, and ended up being a tie. Tiger (yes, that was his real name), asked sonic what his name was, and what he was doing in the first place. The two introduced themselves, and told what they were doing. When the found out they were doing the same thing (defeating the evil pokemon), they teamed up to defeat these evil "monsters". This series will be sprite, and will be very funny. In some episodes, have RPG style fights that YOU can play!
I will be looking tword this,
Sonimatic :)
P.S. I made a genisis style sprite of me! I put a backpack and everything!
Nice and how come you don't watch any more flash videos?
I watch them! I just enjoy getting metals!